Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Mined from the vast and ancient Himalayan mountains, these salt licks are a 550 million year old source of minerals and trace elements for your horse or pony. The distinctive rose pink color comes from the salt’s high mineral content, including iron, potassium, and magnesium, which are all vital for maintaining health. Mass-produced salt licks are produced using salt with minerals added in during the manufacturing process, but that’s not the case with Himalayan salt, where the minerals are naturally found within the salt. Himalayan rock salt licks are literally “rock hard,” meaning that horses and ponies are unable to bite chunks off the block, a problem than can occur with softer “pressed” salt licks. These salt licks are also more weather resistant, which means they can be safely left outside in the field for horses to “self-dose.” We've found that horses like them more than other salt licks! Available in mini (1.63 lbs), small (2.2 lbs), medium (6.6 lbs) or block (4.4 lbs, 2”x4”x8”). The small and medium licks include a rope and the mini salt lick is pre-drilled with a hole but does not come with a rope. The 4.4 lb block fits in most standard salt lick holders and does not come with a rope.

Farmers have historically provided Himalayan salt licks for their cattle, horses, and other herbivores to encourage healthy growth and development. Typically a Himalayan salt lick in the form of a block is used in these circumstances, and the block may be mounted on a platform so that domesticated animals do not consume dirt from the ground along with the necessary salt. Salt blocks for farm animals can also be treated with medications, which may be convenient when someone needs to medicate shy animals, or a large group of animals.

While salt deficiency isn’t a common problem for humans, lactating cows are particularly vulnerable to it. Every day, they need salt to make milk which contains a good bit of sodium and chloride. If cows don’t get enough salt, the first sign would be a loss of appetite and weight. In time, cows craving salt would start eating odd materials like dirt, rocks and wood to try to satisfy their instinctive taste for salt. A lack of salt can initiate a number of debilitating diseases and even death.

Wild and fenced deer often suffer from salt deficiency. A lack of salt and minerals can result in reduced body weight and poor reproduction. A salt deficiency is expressed by licking foreign objects or even road salt in winter and can lead to a loss in appetite, reduced body weight, rough coat, poor reproduction and a decreased disease resistance. The need for salt differs per animal and is dependent on many unsure and uncontrollable factors. The natural nutrition of wild game does often not fulfill the mineral and trace element needs of the animals.

Himalayan Natural salt licks in the wild serve as a gathering place for various animals that make their way there to satisfy their craving and the needs of their bodies, particularly during a harsh winter. Salt is needed for the proper development and maintenance of bones, muscles, circulatory systems and even the nervous systems.

We normally think of salt more as a warm weather requirement.  Horses do require about 1-2 ounces of salt per day to provide help meet their requirement for sodium and chloride.  This requirement can increase to 4-6 ounces of salt per day in hot climates or under exercise where losses in sweat increase greatly.  Inadequate salt in the diet can result in abnormal eating behavior such as licking or chewing objects which have salt on them (fork handles etc.) or licking/eating dirt.  Water intake may also decrease, increasing the risk of impaction colic. In more extreme cases, horses will stop eating and may experience muscle in coordination.

Khalid Maqbool & Sons provides minerals that are essential for muscle, nerve and immune system functions, healthy coats and sound reproductive health. Because cattle actually seek out salt, it can be very useful as a carrier for other essential nutrients.

Himalayan  Salt Licks are a completely natural product. They are the world’s cleanest source of raw, pure natural salt.

Trust your animal’s instinct

Free choice, they “lick it as they need it”
Natural electrolytes for Balance
Chemical free, no sweeteners
Encourages Water Intake
Durable and Rain Tolerant
Easy to hang, easy to handle

Why use Himalayan salt lick?

Minerals are essential for animal health and superior performance, including disease resistance, fertility, milk production, weight gain and skeletal development.
The principal purpose of Himalayan salt lick is to act as a nutritional buffer between an animal and its feed.
Himalayan salt licks are designed to compensate for an inherent or seasonal lack of certain minerals, as well as for the frequent and sometimes rapid changes that occur in pasture mineral levels.
Himalayan salt licks are palatable to livestock and provide a formulated balance of certain major and trace elements.
Himalayan salt licks are proven to enhance livestock condition.

for any question please write us an email at


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